
~~..a new direction from a devastator nightmare that hunt me down like wolf..~~

somesaid they put a name on their car so it make them special..so i decided when i get a car i want put it to..and i choose the name E%&*#...so lately its like a fate how turns out i'll be with someone related to that name..but when everything turns from sweet to sour and lead to distruction of relationship..i wonder if i have to change the name too..

what happend to me today realy make me sad..so saddddddddddddddddddddddddddd and even i cant imagine how sad that is..its so painfull..i scratch my elis,once again..astaghfirullahalazim..people know how my car looks like be4 and they said im not a good owner..so when the time is arrive,i changed elis look to what i imagine be4..but what happen after 1 year of transformation,i scratch it again...

i love my car,i try to take care her...but what happen is different thing..am i not a good owner?am i?i try my best not to scratch her but turns out i did...just like wat happen to aelis..i try to do absolute everything to take care her, but i failed in the end...YA ALLAH,please show me the way..please im begging YOU,please help me...im realy need your help..am i need to change her name to lisa or kelly?


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